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About me



Expat for more than 25 years, I am a "serial" expat! I lived on 5 different continents. I had the chance to learn about new cultures and speak diverse languages. 


Mother of 2 TCKs (Thirds Culture Kids), I brought them up in my coaching philosophy. I support my kids to unleash their full potential and try get the best out of them. My kids are my best teachers!


I graduated from the International Coach Academy - Coach Training School, validated by the ICF. I am also a clear beliefs coach. 


I am an insatiable learner. 


I am an Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

(ICF credentials and standards Global Board)


My objective: I want to use my skills to support my clients to access their ressources to move themselves forward to make their challenges as positive and successful as possible. 


My mission: to help expat women to live a happy life abroad!


During the pandemic, I felt the need to reconnect with more expat women and wrote my first book "Expat Wife, Happy Life! The Journey of a Serial Expat". 

The cover of Expat Wife, Happy Life!

If you too would like to write a book, please contact me and I'll share my experience with you. It's much easier than you think! 

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Ma bio en français

What client say about my coaching



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